Three Boat Care Mistakes To Avoid With Your First Boat
Posted on: 4 August 2017
As the new owner of a center console boat, you want to make sure it is well cared for. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to make a mistake when you are new to boat ownership. Knowing what these mistakes are can help you avoid them, so continue reading to learn more.
#1: Using household cleaners to wash the boat
There aren't any regular household cleaners suitable for boat care. For example, many glass cleaners contain ammonia, which can harm the coating on the plexiglass windshields of most boats. Bathroom cleaners often contain mild abrasives, which are great for cleaning tile but will scratch the fiberglass that your boat is made from. The fact is most household cleaners contain either solvents or abrasives that you don't want on your boat. A better choice is to visit a boat parts dealer and purchase cleaning supplies that are specially formulated for washing a boat.
#2: Not using depth tools
You may think you are simply taking your boat out on a lake you know relatively well, so there is no need to worry about the depth. You're going to end up with an issue, though, if you happen to be trying to anchor at deep drop off. Your anchor will drop and if there isn't enough slack in the line, you can damage the anchor fittings or even the boat. A way to avoid this is to invest in a fish finder, even if you never plan to fish. This will give you accurate depth readings that you can use when anchoring. You can also use nautical charts, but make sure you are skilled at using them before depending upon them.
#3: Skipping the cover
It can be tempting to save cash and skip the boat cover or only invest in the smallest cover available, especially if you plan to be out on the water almost every day. Unfortunately, this is asking for trouble. A cover protects your boat from both UV damage and storm damage, which are things you can't control. Opt for a full coverage cover that affixes firmly to the boat. The cover should be taut so that it can't flap in the wind, but it should vent around the sides where it meets the boat so air can circulate so moisture isn't trapped beneath the cover.
For more help, contact a boat dealer or parts store like Boater's Landing in your area.